
Showing posts from March, 2021

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Fakeeha a detox miracle lose 12 kgs in 15 days

  Fakeeha a detox miracle weight loss in just 15 days Fakeeha a detox miracle Now Boost health and become fit  without medicines, therapies, surgeries, and Doctor`s visits I brought for you fakeeha a detox miracle! In pandemic and quarantine days you have gained weight staying at home right? Tried many remedies and nothing worked out and you found no way to get out of this problem then you just got into the right place because finally, I have brought for you a miracle solution. What Doctors and physicians must be hiding from you Has finally come out in this small ebook. Dear all readers If you have ever felt disappointed and self-conscious at parties because you could not eat those sweet desserts and drink fruit juices while others are enjoying them or if you could not wear those pretty dresses because of overlaying fat on your belly and hips then don`t feel that way. I know you must have gone through days when you just sat down and felt exhausted while others double triple your age ar

Best creative writing tips learn from here

  Creative writing in fiction simply means you can go to any limit with your imagination and create just anything with your mind. Creative writing in nonfiction: means the art of elaborating and  exaggerating  the reality and getting creative and getting detailed for example if your character gasps, took a deep breath, or pants then you must get creative and write that also in a beautiful way. A wonderful example of creative writing is an excerpt from my book Third world wonder: where I have written a large poem just describing the beauty of my protagonist’s breath. You can read this whole book  Third world wonder Adventures of zaijoo  on kindle and iam also selling  this ebook on Fiverr. Iam sharing with you my lovely creation here you can read it. It’s alluringly alluring the way Zaijoo breathes It’s a total fascination to see him breathe! When I talk about that beauty, I become speechless! It’s very inexplicable, so wordless! He brings out highly beautiful charms countless It’s allu



Enter Hollywood easy way

  It must be your dream to enter Hollywood easy way by your screenplay writing. You must have tried a lot before and made many failed attempts resulting in production companies rejecting your scripts and screenplays. Here I will show you step by step simple guide about how I wrote my Hollywood-type screenplay. You will wonder as you must have read many ebooks on writing screenplay and never got this simple idea. I present to you a very simple way to write an astounding screenplay that is going to blow the minds of all Hollywood production companies. So keep reading as this one piece of article can change your entire life. enter Hollywood easy way by finding your perfect inspiration an ideal or ideology: You need loads of real-life force energy a deep passion to write a screenplay, get highly inspired by someone who can be your ideal personality or imaginary creature. It can be getting inspired by some super interesting ideology like You came up with a miracle solution. Or you went on a